How to best take care of your cat on hot summer days

Science and Health

In the summer you can go to the beach, sunbathe, wear short clothes and enjoy the sun and the warm air. Just as we have to be careful of the many dangers that lie in the hottest season of the year, we need to make sure we are taking care of our cats. Veterinarian Dr. David Rosenblatt explains how to best take care of your cat in the summer months and what to pay attention to for their needs.

Heat stroke and dehydration in cats in the summer

These two fatal problems are different, and do not necessarily occur at the same time. Heat stroke occurs when the cat fails to maintain a normal body temperature. Cats do not sweat, and their way of cooling down is by slowly breathing with their tongue sticking out. It is important to allow the cat access to a shaded and ventilated place. Also, never leave your cat in a closed vehicle, even for a few minutes. Heat stroke develops quickly and can quickly become fatal. If your cat gets a heatstroke, cool it with cool water and take it to the veterinary clinic immediately.

Dehydration, on the other hand, occurs when the cat does not have enough fluids. If you have to leave the cat alone at home, it is important to prevent dehydration from not drinking enough water. It is recommended to leave some alternative water sources, ask a neighbor or a friend to check from time to time if he has enough water or install an automatic dispenser, of the sort that is connected to the main water line and fills itself.

Signs of dehydration include apathy, sunken eyes and lack of elasticity of the skin in the nape area (lift the skin and leave – the skin should immediately return to its previous state – if it remains standing, the animal is dehydrated).

In case of dehydration, the cat should be taken urgently to the vet for a fluid infusion. It is recommended to also consider helping the homeless cats in your living or working area and provide care of them in a shaded place, food and especially water, as much as possible.

cat test (credit: JPOST STAFF)

External parasites

Summer is the season of fleas and ticks. There is a good reason to exterminate these parasites that goes beyond being disgusting and annoying. Fleas transmit tapeworms and cause severe skin allergies, and the ticks can transmit life-threatening tick fevers and diseases. The correct approach to solving the problem is not only to get flea and tick treatment at a pet store, but to consult with the veterinarian about the most correct prevention plan for your cat that includes reference to the cat and its environment.snakes


Long haired cats need a solution for the summer – consult with a local cat groomer first. If a haircut is not possible, it is recommended to brush the cat often. You should not try to groom the cat alone, not even with the goal of removing “freckles”. It is easy to accidentally injure the cat’s skin. If you do a haircut by yourself, then only with a machine and never with scissors.


Don’t let the weather confuse you! Cats need more food in the summer season when it’s hot outside, because they spend a lot of energy cooling their bodies. This is also true in winter but it is even more important in summer. Many people think that it is just the opposite and that the pet eats less in the summer. We’re. under this impression because cats do not like to eat when they are hot, and prefer to eat in the hours of darkness. Of course, this may be different for a cat living inside a 


In the summer everyone travels and it’s not easy when there is a cat. It is advisable to reserve a good boarding house ahead of time, and consult with the veterinarian beforehand. A proper boarding house will require that the cat be vaccinated and treated against parasites, and if it does not require this from you, it is recommended to consider whether you have chosen the right boarding house. It is also possible to arrange a “cat sitter” to take care of the cat during the trip and it is better if he comes to your house, because cats do not like to move from place to place.

Feline sex drive

Cats have a seasonal sexual cycle that is affected by the length of the day. A cat’s heat season starts in the spring and lasts all summer. The right thing to do, if the male or female cat is not intended for breeding, is to spay or neuter before they go into heat. This is a simple and accepted procedure which prevents many problems and mainly prevents a lot of suffering for a lot of abandoned cats.