Israel Bonds are a powerful way to keep Israel’s economy resilient  


In the face of a prolonged war, Israel’s economy is facing challenges. Israel bonds are a critical tool to provide the Jewish state with financial resources in this dark time.

“Eight decades ago, the Jewish people experienced the worst human cruelty,” Israeli President Isaac Herzog recalled in a recent address. “From the ashes, we stood on our feet and created something wonderful, the State of Israel.”

“In those critical early years, Israel Bonds served as a primary organ for the Jewish people in building the basic infrastructure of our young country, and it is no surprise that it is there for us now, helping mobilize world Jewry in immediate and urgent action,” he added.

Development Corporation for Israel (known as Israel Bonds) and its affiliates around the world have generated over $50 billion in investments since it was founded 72 years ago. Israel bonds are a smart investment with strong rates and are meaningful investments, serving as a symbolic connection with Israel and the people of Israel for Jews worldwide.

Since Hamas’s barbaric October 7 attack on Israel, Israel Bonds and its affiliates have secured more than $1 billion in bond investments from investors, fortifying Israel’s economy during wartime.

Dani Naveh, President and CEO of Israel Bonds, said, “This is Israel bonds’ highest surge of investment ever, which demonstrates the strong support for Israel of the Jewish communities and Israel’s supporters in the United States and around the world.”

An opportunity to help Israel’s not-for-profit sector

Israel Bonds also offers the opportunity to purchase a bond and donate it to a not-for-profit organization, including Magen David Adom, United Hatzalah Assuta Ashdod, Hadassah and Soroka Medical Centers, and Friends of the IDF.

Thousands of individuals from all over the world have purchased Israel bonds, both for the purpose of private investment and for donations to charitable organizations.

“Last week I met a fighter who was seriously injured while fighting for our people on October 7,” Herzog further said. “From his hospital bed in Ashkelon, he had a message for us all. He said, ‘We are an eternal people, and we are not afraid of a long path. No one can keep us down because this is who we are’.”

Earlier this week, Elise Brezis, a professor of economics at Bar-Ilan University and head of the Azrieli Center for Economic Policy, told The Media Line that Israel’s low debt-to-GDP ratio, currently 60%, means that Israel can weather a deficit increase. She also emphasized the crucial role that Israel bonds can play. “Even a debt-to-GDP ratio increase to 80% would not endanger Israel’s economy,” she said. “The deficit will be essentially financed by issuing bonds.”

Visit, call 888.764.2631, or email [email protected] to invest in Israel bonds today.

This article was written in cooperation with Israel Bonds.