Israeli Cloud Security Startup Bridgecrew to Be Acquired By Palo Alto Networks for $156 Million


Israeli Cloud Security Startup Bridgecrew to Be Acquired By Palo Alto Networks for $156 Million

Another Israeli firm makes an exist, and a quick one too.

Bridgecrew Founders

Cybersecurity company Palo Alto Networks is buying the Israeli cloud security startup Bridgecrew. The deal is for $156 million in cash and Bridgecrew’s three founders will go to work now for Palo Alto Networks. This Startup Nation firm made its exit after just one year in business.

“Complete security and compliance visibility streamlined into developer-friendly workflows.”

Founded in 2019, by CEO Idan Tendler, Barak Schoster, and Guy Eisenkot, the son of former IDF chief of staff Gadi Eisenkot, Bridgecrew calls itself a pioneer in shift left, focusing on infrastructure as code (IaC), where infrastructure configuration is codified during development. The company’s developer-first IaC security platform offers developers and DevOps teams a systematic way to enforce infrastructure security standards throughout the development lifecycle.

Idan Tendler said, “We have dedicated ourselves to building developer-first tools that bridge the gap between developers and cloud security. By joining Palo Alto Networks, we will be able to bring codified cloud security to the developer community on a wider scale. We look forward to working together to continue shifting cloud security left.”

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Bridgecrew calls itself a pioneer in shift left, focusing on infrastructure as code (IaC), where infrastructure configuration is codified during development. The company’s developer-first IaC security platform offers developers and DevOps teams a systematic way to enforce infrastructure security standards throughout the development lifecycle. The proposed acquisition will enable Prisma Cloud to provide developers with security assessment and enforcement capabilities throughout the DevOps process.

Its services include Continuous cloud security: Maintain complete infrastructure visibility and address misconfigured resources with a single click.

Infrastructure as code (IaC) security: Find and fix IaC misconfigurations earlier to prevent risky deployments and track configuration drift.

Least-privilege IAM auditing: Analyze IAM for over-privileged permissions and enforce right-sized IAM with policy-as-code.

Cloud DevSecOps workflows: Embed cloud security into every code review via native integrations with VCS, CI/CD, and beyond.

Palo Alto Networks, the global cybersecurity leader, is shaping the cloud-centric future with technology that is transforming the way people and organizations operate. Our mission is to be the cybersecurity partner of choice, protecting our digital way of life. We help address the world’s greatest security challenges with continuous innovation that seizes the latest breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, analytics, automation, and orchestration.

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