Israeli NGO visits injured soldiers to strengthen ties with IDF

Science and Health

In coordination with the Defense Ministry, Israeli NGO LeMaanchem has launched a campaign to assist soldiers and civilians injured during Operation Swords of Iron from both north and south Israel.

Col. Dr. Erez Karp, the commander of the Center for Medical Services in the Medical Corps invited leadership from LeMaanchem to tour medical care centers on and near military bases in order to show just what the wounded needed.

The tour was arranged with the intention of building stronger relations between the organization and the IDF, and to show the national dedication to helping those impacted by the war heal both mentally and physically. 

During the tour, which was conducted with the aim of closely monitoring the needs of the wounded, and in order to strengthen the cooperation between the organization and the IDF, the heads of the NGO met with the medical and psychological support teams of the IDF who have been working tirelessly since the beginning of the fighting for the physical and mental health of IDF soldiers.

Delegates meet with army professionals who have been treating Israel’s wounded. (credit: DAVID ZER)

The organization also distributed “brass” blankets to soldiers in preparation for a winter war.

Who did the delegation meet with?

The delegation members also met with a medic who treated several wounded soldiers at a base that was attacked on October 7, constantly treating soldiers for nearly four hours. They also met with a military dentist who treated the wounded in a combat zone. 

They were accompanied by mental health professionals as well as security and medical staff at Barzilai Hospital, who continue to treat patients despite being under constant attack in the south. The hospital continues to treat those injured in war and by missile attacks.


Rabbi Yossi Arablich, chairman of the organization said: “We came to strengthen and left strengthened. We were excited to see the best sons and daughters of the people of Israel, with high morale, and incredible motivation to fulfill the task assigned to them – to destroy the terrorist organization Hamas-ISIS and preserve the nation. All the soldiers wanted was for the home front to continue to be united.

“I, along with all the members of the organization, salute you. Together we will win!”.