Israeli startup Umoove Helps Clear Distressed Minds In A Blink Of An Eye
MindReset app currently includes treatments for depression, anxiety, chronic stress, trauma, chronic fatigue, and insomnia

Umoove, a mobile software technology company based in Israel, has announced the release of MindReset, an app that will help users clear their minds through very fast, eye tracking-based sessions.
Emotional life experiences leave emotional memory memories that can be subconsciously replayed in different ways, causing stress responses as though the events were repeated over and over, eventually leading to mental health problems. MindReset is leading a fresh approach to mental wellbeing, as the mental health care industry struggles to find an affordable, accessible, and stigma-free solution to this problem.<
Umoove’s app intends to prompt the user’s subconscious to recall an emotional memory picture. The eye-tracking technology detects this split-second access and then guides the user through a process that breaks the link with those subconscious images. When this link is gone, the patient recovers quickly from the pain. The app currently includes treatments for depression, anxiety, chronic stress, trauma, chronic fatigue, and insomnia, with further programs will release in the future.
MindReset is a joint venture between mental wellness coach Matt Hudson and Umoove.
“While the eyes are often referred to as the window to the soul, we see them as a window of opportunity; providing a quick, non-invasive intervention to the mind, even if the user is unsure of the source of their stress,” said Yitzi Kempinski, Umoove’s CEO and co-founder.
Read more about: MindReset app, Umoove Ltd