LinkedIn’s recruiting diversity filter may make it racist in the eyes of


LinkedIn, the popular employment service, has recently issued an update that enables recruiters to filter job candidates by race, sex, gender identity or sexual orientation. The move has been made in the name of diversity, to help recruiters find a more diverse group of qualified candidates. However, this update has sparked controversy and raised questions about the potential impact on recruitment practices in Israel and around the world. 

On the one hand, the new feature could be seen as a positive step towards increasing diversity in the workplace. By allowing candidates to highlight their race, sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation, the platform could help level the playing field and create a more inclusive hiring process. This could be particularly important in Israel, where there are often disparities in employment opportunities and wages between different ethnic and religious groups.

However, there are also concerns that this update could have unintended consequences. By giving recruiters the ability to filter candidates based on their demographics, there is a risk that some candidates may be unfairly excluded from consideration. For example, if a recruiter is looking to hire a more diverse candidate, they may prioritize candidates who have highlighted their race or ethnicity over those who have not, regardless of their qualifications or experience.

Furthermore, the new update raises questions about the role of technology in shaping recruitment practices. While LinkedIn has tried to frame the update as a way to ensure that minority accounts are visible to recruiters, there is a risk that this could lead to the perpetuation of unconscious biases and stereotypes. For example, a recruiter looking to hire a more diverse candidate may unconsciously associate certain demographic characteristics with certain skill sets or personality traits, leading them to overlook qualified candidates who do not fit their preconceived notions.

The potential impact of this update extends beyond Israel and into the global job market. As more and more companies turn to digital platforms like LinkedIn to find and hire candidates, the use of demographic data in recruitment practices could become increasingly common. This may have significant implications for job seekers around the world, particularly those from historically marginalized communities who may already face substantial barriers to employment.

It is important to note that LinkedIn is one of many platforms that incorporate demographic data into its recruitment features. Similar features are already in use on platforms like Glassdoor and ZipRecruiter. However, the scale and reach of LinkedIn mean that this update could have a much broader impact on the job market.

In conclusion, the new update to LinkedIn’s recruitment features has sparked controversy and raised important questions about the potential impact of demographic data on recruitment practices in Israel and around the world. While the update could be seen as a positive step towards increasing workplace diversity, there are concerns about the unintended consequences and the role of technology in shaping recruitment practices. As the job market continues to evolve, it is important to closely monitor these developments and ensure that recruitment practices are fair, inclusive and free from bias.