Mary Ann Mendoza Dumped From Republican National Convention Over Anti-Semitic Tweets

Marry Ann Mendoza from Facebook

Marry Ann Mendoza from Facebook

Mary Ann Mendoza was scheduled to speak in support of the re-election of President Donald Trump this week; that is until she made some anti-Semitic tweets. On Tuesday morning, the member of The Trump 2020 campaign’s advisory board tweeted, “Do yourself a favor and read this thread,” to her more than 40,000 followers.

Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh confirmed to ABC News that Mendoza was dropped. “We have removed the scheduled video from the convention lineup and it will no longer run this week,” he said in a statement.

So what was the thread? Basically it’s a long list of attacks on famous Jewish bankers and historical figures accusing them of running the world’s banking. It came originally from the nefarious conspiracy themed driven racist and anti-Semitic organization called Qanoon. And no we won’t repeat any of it here.

Mendoza also tweeted, “These are the violent types of people that SOROS, the ROTHCHILDS and the United Nations have NO problem using as pawns and uprooting them and bringing them to the USA to accomplish their ONE WORLD GOVT!”

This was not the first time that Mary Ann Mendoza used Twitter to attack Jews. In 2018 she wrote, “The Rothschilds have used their globalist media mouthpiece to declare that Donald Trump is threatening to destroy the New World Order!”

Mary Ann Mendoza later tweeted the following in an attempt to explain herself: “I retweeted a very long thread earlier without reading every post within the thread. My apologies for not paying attention to the intent of the whole message. That does not reflect my feelings or personal thoughts whatsoever.”

These Tweets add fire to the cause of President Trump’s opponents who claim that his supporters tend to be bigoted, that he knows this and that he tries to use this to his advantage.

“Mary Ann Mendoza’s initial inclusion speaks volumes about the radicalization of the Republican Party under Donald Trump and where we’re headed if he has four more years to spread hate and division from the White House,” Kyle Morse, a spokesman for American Bridge’s “Trump War Room” opposition research group told The Daily Beast. “Trump and his campaign refused to speak out against anti-Semitism and only pulled Mendoza because they got caught.”

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