Netanyahu says Israel to approve production of non-animal cow’s milk


Israel will give regulatory approval to a company to produce non-animal cow’s milk for the first time in the coming days, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced on Wednesday.

He made the statement during a visit to Steakholder Foods in Rehovot, a company that uses 3D printing to produce real meat from ethically harvested cells, known as cultured meat. 

3D printing real meat

During the visit, the company printed for the first time a cultured fish, which the prime minister tasted. 

“Today we ate fish produced without fish, meat produced without cows. This is a global revolution,” Netanyahu said. “Israel is a world leader in the field of alternative protein, and we will make sure that it continues to lead.”

Minister of Science and Technology Ofir Akunis, Health Ministry Director-General Moshe Bar Siman Tov, Israel Innovation Authority Director-General Dror Bin and others attended the meeting. 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits Steakholder Foods in Rehovot on April 19, 2023. (credit: HAIM ZACH/GPO)

Earlier this month, the Prime Minister’s Office announced that Israel had placed the promotion of alternative proteins as a “national goal, on the understanding that it is a solution for food security and that the supply and production of alternative proteins will strengthen the Israeli economy.”

The PMO said the country is developing an alternative protein plan in collaboration with Good Food Institute (GFI) Israel and the Israel Innovation Authority, which the PMO will coordinate.

According to a July report by GFI, Israel is home to more than 100 companies working in the alternative proteins field. In addition, the report noted that Israel leads the world in investment in plant-based proteins and is second only to the United States regarding money invested in the alternative protein industry.