Neuroblastoma conference spearheaded by Shir for Life makes history

Science and Health

Shir for Life, a non-profit organization dedicated to the battle against neuroblastoma, is coordinating a pioneering conference that will be held on  June 26 in Tel Aviv. This momentous event will assemble an array of prominent doctors from all corners of Israel and beyond, marking a significant stride in the fight against the rare but often fatal childhood cancer, neuroblastoma.

The conference will feature representatives from well-known Israeli hospitals, including Schneider, Rambam, Sheba Tel-HaShomer, Shaare Zedek and Hadassah. The event also holds international appeal, as Dr. Francesca del Bufalo, a luminary in the field of pediatric oncology from Italy, will grace the occasion by discussing the future of CAR-T cell therapy and the research recently published in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine.

The organization behind this landmark event, Shir for Life, was founded by Einat Dado-Baralia with a singular purpose: to rewrite the narrative around neuroblastoma. “No child, no parent and no family should ever have to face the ordeal of this disease,” Dado-Baralia passionately asserts. “I want to change the fate of kids with cancer.” The organization is dedicated to increasing awareness about neuroblastoma, securing funding for groundbreaking research and ultimately giving these young patients a real chance at survival.

The conference’s agenda boasts a series of eminent speakers, each an expert in their respective field. Among them are Dr. Shifra Ash from Rambam, presenting on available treatment options in Israel; Dr. Iris Fried from Shaare Zedek, discussing the role of antibodies; Dr. Dror Raviv from Hadassah, delving into the complexities of bone marrow transplants and Dr. Esther R. Berko from Schneider, addressing the significance of Anaplastic Lymphoma Kinase (ALK), as well as the future of diagnosis and monitoring by liquid biopsy.

Adding a psychological dimension to the predominantly medical discussion, Arik Zeevi will deliver a lecture on mental resilience, underlining its critical role in the treatment process.

The conference will also highlight some of the research findings recently unveiled at the ANR conference in Amsterdam, a prestigious international scientific event centered around neuroblastoma.

In a bid to further their cause, Shir for Life has also announced a nationwide event scheduled for August 23. The event is designed to raise awareness about neuroblastoma, featuring booths across the country with all proceeds donated to the association.

This conference epitomizes the relentless commitment of Shir for Life to its mission: to change the fate of children with neuroblastoma worldwide. Their never-ending work shines as a beacon of hope in the face of a daunting adversary, reinforcing the belief that when we stand together, we can indeed make a profound difference. For more information about Shir for Life, please visit its website: