Parshas Va’yetze


Photo Credit: Jewish Press

Vol. LXIX No. 49                             5780
New York City
December 6, 2019 – 8 Kislev 5780
4:10 p.m. NYC E.S.T.


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Sabbath Ends: 5:14 p.m. NYC E.S.T.
Sabbath Ends: Rabbenu Tam 5:41 p.m. NYC E.S.T.
Weekly Reading: Va’yetze
Weekly Haftara: Va’yivrach Yaakov (Ashkenazim – Hosea
12:13-14:10; Sephardim commence earlier from 11:7-14:10)
Daf Yomi: Nidah 44
Mishna Yomit: Zevachim 14:3-4
Halacha Yomit: Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayyim 622:2-4
Rambam Yomi: Hilchos Matnos Aniyim chap. 2-4
Earliest time for Tallis and Tefillin: 6:10 a.m. NYC E.S.T.
Sunrise: 7:04 a.m. NYC E.S.T.
Latest Kerias Shema: 9:25 a.m. NYC E.S.T.
Sunset: 4:28 p.m. NYC E.S.T.

The following chapters of Tehillim are being recited by many congregations and Yeshivos for our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael: Chapter 83, 130, 142. – Y.K.


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