English-speakers in the Negev “capital” city of Be’er Sheva will finally be able to get some help with their feelings of stress and trauma as they face their challenges under rocket fire.
“Get Help Israel,” the Olim Department of Be’er Sheva and AACI South have joined together in a partnership to create the Red Alert Crisis Helpline — Emotional First Aid for English speakers in Be’er Sheva in Times of War.
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The project is intended to help immigrants to Be’er Sheva.
Those who are experiencing an extreme level of stress and who need to speak with a mental health professional in order to help restore a sense of calm and stability may receive telephone support from a qualified therapist.
“This is not a service for those having a mental health emergency,” the organizers emphasize. “If you’re experiencing symptoms that need immediate attention, please go to the Emergency Room at Soroka Hospital.”
For more information, please contact Megan at 058-459-7010 via phone or Whatsapp between 7 am and 10 pm.
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