The Centers for Disease Control revealed the toxin that causes the lung disease which has killed 39 people while 2,051 people hospitalized

The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has revealed the toxin that causes deadly vaping-related lung disease which has killed 39 people in the US. So far, at least 2,051 patients have been hospitalized.
CDC announced over the weekend that it was probably the toxic vitamin E Acetate found in the evaporation products
“This is the first time that we have detected a potential chemical of concern in biologic samples from patients with these lung injuries,” the CDC said.
Vitamin E Acetate is a nutritional component that affects many systems in the body and especially the skin. It is found in leafy green vegetables, olive oil, nuts, and dairy products. It is also known to be an antioxidant that can prevent skin damage. Moreover, it is safe to use with food or authorized supplements.
However, the picture is completely different when you inhale it. It is a sticky component that in contact with the lungs becomes toxic and likely to cause severe damage: destroying the lung tissue, causing severe lung disease and even leading to death.
The symptoms observed in patients include severe cough, shortness of breath, high fever, and in severe cases – lung failure.
Most patients said they had smoked vaping products containing THC, the high-producing ingredient in cannabis, before falling ill.
The CDC reports that fluid test results were analyzed from the lungs of 29 patients. 82% of them found THC, and 61% found nicotine. In all of them was found Vitamin E acetate.
“The new findings are significant because this is the first time a potential poisoning drug has been discovered,” said CDC VP Dr. Anne Schuchat. “The findings provide direct evidence that vitamin E acetate is likely to harm patients’ health.”
Dr. Schuechat noted that vitamin E acetate may be just one of the many toxins in the e-cigarette. The CDC tested many other substances that may be in the e-cigarette, but vegetable oils, mineral oil, kerosene and other oils were not found in the tests.
Meanwhile, e-cigarettes continue to charge victims. Prevent young people from becoming addicted to smoking.
Read more about: E-cigarettes, e-vapor, lung disease