Revolutionary new medical device aims to save more patients than ever

Science and Health

Shoham Cohen and Yitzchak (Tzachi) Lavi, graduates of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the Sami Shamoon College of Engineering in Beersheba recently developed an automatic device for disinfecting blood pressure cuffs called CleanCuff.

This innovative product is designed to reduce nosocomial infections (infections acquired in medical centers) among hospitalized patients, relieve the burden on nurses and other medical staff, save costs from additional hospitalizations due to infections and reduce morbidity and mortality of patients with weakened immune systems.

The proposed disinfection method for the blood pressure cuffs, which have been identified as a source of spreading infections when not properly disinfected, is through radiation (ultraviolet C rays), an inexpensive, fast and chemical-free method that can destroy a wide variety of pathogens. 

Under the guidance of Naama Agassi, a company that is part of the mechanical engineering department faculty to market this automatic, the two developed this fast, efficient and user-friendly device, which may improve the safety and health of patients and caregivers, and ultimately save lives.

The story behind the tech

There’s also a personal story behind the development of the device. Tzachi’s mother, a resident of Kiryat Gat in southern Israel, passed away about three months ago after struggling with cancer. 

Empty beds in the intensive care unit at the Coronavirus ward of Shaare Zedek hospital in Jerusalem on October 14, 2021. (credit: OLIVIER FITOUSSI/FLASH90)

The time he spent with her at appointments raised his awareness of the need to protect patients with weakened immune systems from external infections in various health institutions. Shoham, his partner in the project who lives in Otniel, is married to a pediatric intensive care nurse employed at Soroka Medical Center in Be’er Sheva. 

With his knowledge of his wife’s work, and with Tzachi’s sober experience at numerous medical centers, both understood and recognized the real need to develop this life-saving device that is unmatched today.

The department head Dr. Gedalya Mazor said that graduates of the Department of Mechanical Engineering bring knowledge and top engineering skills, but mostly creativity and thinking outside the box. 

This method of study practiced in the college is known as Project Oriented where studies are combined with practical experience and real tasks in the field of engineering, imparts interdisciplinary knowledge and enables students to get acquainted with the world of medicine which enables them to develop quality, life-saving products and devices that will greatly benefit the public.