Sacha Baron Cohen Sells Covid Vaccines to the Stars


Sacha Baron Cohen Sells Covid Vaccines to the Stars

And he did it live on Jimmy Kimmel.

Sacha Baron Cohen Jimmy Kimmel (Jimmy Kimmel Live screen shot)

Borat star Sacha Baron Cohen has a new gig: He now sells Coronavirus vaccines to fellow celebrities. At least he did so in a sketch on Jimmy Kummel’s talk show. Well he certainly needs a new source of revenue now that the British actor has sworn off playing Borat ever again.

The setup for the bit was simple. As all talk shows are doing now, Jimmy Kimmel conducted the interview by way of remote video. Baron Cohen began by explaining his reasons for making Borat 2. He said that he wanted to show the hypocrisy of the people in power. But in the middle of this he took a phone call from a prospective vaccine buyer. Behind Baron Cohen was a refrigerator filled with Covid vaccinations.

Sacha Baron Cohen Isla Fisher (Jimmy Kimmel Live screen shot)

Baron Cohen took the opportunity to have some fun at the expense of Kanye West and Kim Kardashian who are now getting divorced. Pretending to speak with Kanye for a sale he said, “’Hello? Hello? Yeah, Kanye? Yo, yo, yo. I can get you Johnson & Johnson. No, no. Not Dakota and Don. What, you only need one now? I’ve got you down for six?” This was followed by Cohen apologizing to West explaining that he had not heard.

At one point Sacha Baron Cohen warned Jimmy Kimmel not to ask him too many questions. “Stay out of this, Kimmel, right? Look after that pretty face of yours. There’s no vaccine for broken legs,” he said.

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And Cohen’s famous actress wife Isla Fisher was in on the gag. The usually well dressed and made up screen siren came out in jeans with her hair in a mess. She was supposed to look drugged out. So Sacha Baron Cohen used this as an opportunity to slam Donald Trump Jr. saying, “Isla, you look higher than Don Junior. Have you been drinking vaccines? How many have you had?”

Well people should enjoy these little bits of humor while they still can. After his big win at the Golden Globe Awards Sacha Baron Cohen told reporters that he was retiring the Borat character for good.

You can see him talk about the movie with an Israeli television reporter in the video below. In it he jokes about how Israel is having new elections again just before Passover saying, “why is this election different from all others.”

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