Trump: “I Don’t believe Israel spies on US”


Trump: “I Don’t believe Israel spies on US”

US President first referred to reports of Israeli listening near the White House who was vigorously denied by Netanyahu. The people of Israel are excellent

US President Donald Trump made the first announcement regarding a report of the alleged Israeli listening the White House, telling reporters in Washington: “I do not believe Israel is spying on the US.”

Trump added: “Everything is possible, but I find it hard to believe that is true.”

He said: “My relations with Israel are excellent. Look at the Golan Heights, the recognition of Jerusalem as a capital, even what is happening in Iran.”

According to the Politico website, which quotes three former US government officials, the administration suspects that Israel is responsible for installing cellular surveillance devices located near the White House and other sensitive locations across the capital, Washington.

Israel accused of planting mysterious spy devices near the White House, Politico Reports

Former officials said the devices were designed to spy on President Donald Trump and his senior aides and associates. They added that it was unclear whether Israel had actually obtained any information.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office denied the report and called it “a total lie. There is a long-standing commitment and a sweeping directive from the Israeli government not to engage in US intelligence activity. This guideline is completely implemented without exception. ”

On his way to a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Sochi, Netanyahu also addressed this in his voice, upon landing. “False and false, absolute vanity. I have a clear directive – no US intelligence collections – and this directive is fully enforced.” A senior Israeli security official added that “anyone who makes such a claim is absolutely crazy.”

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