Photo Credit: courtesy, Western Wall Heritage Foundation

Arizona Governor Doug Doucey visited the Western Wall on Tuesday, December 24 just a few short hours before the start of Christmas Eve, one of the holiest times on the Christian calendar.
The governor was greeted at the site by Western Wall and Holy Sites Rabbi Shmuel Rabinowitz.
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Governor Doucey said he had decided to come with his family for their holiday vacation to the holy city of Jerusalem. He added that he feels “very connected to Judaism and to Jews” and noted that he even gave his three sons Biblical names.
The Governor was very moved by their visit. His sons signed the Western Wall guest book with prayers for health and happiness for their families.
Rabbi Rabinowitz told the Governor, “Even a small amount of light dispels deep darkness,” and added that the story of Chanukah is proof of the light that has spread around the world.
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