Why a Masters in Integrated Marketing Communications Could Boost Your Career


By Contributing Author

Marketing is vital to any business. It doesn’t matter how big your business is, or what market you are in, you always need marketing. There are a number of different skills that are required of a good marketer, chief amongst them is writing and communication. The way that you communicate with your audience is essential in determining how they react to your marketing. A master of arts in integrated marketing communications is the perfect degree choice for anyone who wants to take their marketing career to the next level.

Let’s take a look at just some of the main advantages of studying for a master of arts in integrated marketing communications and the benefits that it will bring to your professional life and career.

Sharpen Your Communications Skills

Marketing is built upon communication. In order to successfully convey an idea or a concept to your audience, you need very good communication skills. If you are someone who isn’t generally that good at communicating, this is the kind of degree that will go a long way to waking those skills up, if they do exist inside you.

Needless to say, good communication skills are important in business as a whole, not just marketing. However, marketing communications will often encourage students to think about communicating with audiences that they otherwise would not engage with.

If you want your comms skills to get a shot in the arm, an integrated marketing communications degree is a great way of doing it.

Hone Your Creative Writing Skills

Not all writers are writing novels. In fact, the modern writer is more likely to be producing content for the internet than for their local library. There are lots of people out there who want to write for a living and many who have the talent to do so. However, if you look at the writing jobs available today, you will soon realize that it is much easier for writers who have a degree.

An integrated marketing communications degree will both help you to improve your existing writing skills, and also train you to focus them on marketing applications.

Learn Digital Communications

Today, most of us do most of our communication in the digital arena. There is a plethora of digital communications tools are out there, each one with its own strengths and drawbacks. In order to be an effective communicator in the digital arena, you need to know how you are going to say things as well as what you are going to say. This means being able to identify the best medium for your specific communications.

A master’s in integrated marketing communication will tell you everything that you need to know about digital communications and how marketers can exploit them.

Become a Proficient Researcher

Learning to effectively and methodically research is a useful skill to have generally in life. Google has made lots of people lazy, and many people don’t actually know how to research things beyond asking Google. When studying a master’s in integrated marketing communications, you will learn how to conduct research and find information out for yourself.

Modern marketing is built upon data. The more data you have about your audience, the easier it is to understand them. Over the course of a master’s in integrated marketing communications, students will need to develop their research skills and show that they can gather and analyze data appropriately.

Study While You Work

The advent of online degrees has meant that it is possible now for students to study just about any subject remotely. online university courses can usually be studied either part-time or full-time. For those who already have a job, this means that it is possible to earn their degree in their spare time while they continue to work.

Many businesses will be thrilled to have a member of staff actively working towards a degree like a masters integrated marketing communications to further their career. This is the kind of degree, and the kind of associated skills, that any business would be glad to have on staff.

Studying for a university degree is always a challenge and will engage your brain in many different ways. Undertaking this challenge while also working a job is no doubt more difficult, but it is also more rewarding. If you are able to successfully balance the demands of work and study, you will be demonstrating to your employer that you are capable of performing under pressure.

Anybody looking to take their career to the next level should consider studying for a master’s in integrated marketing communications. You will learn lots of concepts and skills that will be useful in all areas of your career. It is also a great way of ensuring that your CV is always hanging out near the top of the pile.

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