Yemini BDS Supporter Harassed Jews at Detroit Kosher Store


Yemini BDS Supporter Harassed Jews at Detroit Kosher Store

The BDS once again proves its just a forum for anti-Semites.

Let’s see how they try to justify or rationalize this one. An Arab Muslim who styles himself as a YouTube star openly harassed the Jewish patrons at a local Kosher market in Detroit Michigan in a brazen act of anti-Semitism. Just by sheer coincidence, the Detroit area happens to have a large Muslim immigrant community in addition to a strong Jewish one.

Abdullah aka Dulla Mulla is a Yemini Muslim who for some reason thinks that he is funny. Well now he has given us another example of exactly why the so called boycott, divest, sanctions movement against Israel is really just another form of antisemitism. Not strong enough? BDS is a coalition of people who hate Jews.

The man opened his video, which he posted all over social media, with a close up of his cell phone with a graphic reading “Free Palestine.” He was not, unfortunately, talking about freeing Gaza from the grip of the terrorist group Hamas which runs it as an Islamic autocratic state like Iran.

He then accosted orthodox Jews inside of the store and asked them to read what was on his phone screen out loud. How exactly is this in any way a legitimate form of protest? How can this person hide the fact that he did not target Israeli diplomats in America, Israeli officials visiting the country, or even a Jewish group holding a pro-Israel event? He went after random people just because they were Jews.

The video then shows a store employee asking him whether he was there to shop or not. Dulla Mulla lied and said yes. He conveniently edited out from the video whatever happened after that.

Did he really think that this was funny? Did he think that he was somehow emulating the kind of shtick that David Letterman used to do on his Late Night show back in the 1980s? Or what Howard Stern used to have his people do around town?

This was not even on the level of the sort of stunts which Michael Moore likes to engage in in his so called documentaries.

For some reason Dulla Mulla did include a clip of one Jewish man who actually engaged him. In response to being asked to read what was on the phone the man said, “sure, there is no Palestine!” Dulla Mulla is so clueless that he did not even realize that he just got slammed and should have probably left that part out of his video.

Jack Mendel, the web editor for Jewish News U.K. said it best in his tweet. “Going to a kosher market in the US to preach about BDS is not legit. It is anti-Semitic to target American Jewish people going about their daily lives like this. Appalling.”

Bravo Jack!

You can watch the video below through the BDS Report Tweet so as not to give traffic to his social media pages:

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