6 Undeniable Signs That Your Company Needs To Invest In Employee Training


6 Undeniable Signs That Your Company Needs To Invest In Employee Training

By Contributing Author

“To win the marketplace you need to first win in the workplace” – Doug Conant

This quote very easily explains how important it is for employers to focus on their employees first. Employees are the backbone of a company and have the power to take your business to great heights. Doesn’t it make sense then to invest in their growth?

Investing in employee learning & growth by providing them relevant training is crucial to help them stay competitive. When they learn new skills, they become capable of doing their job better and tackle all kinds of challenges they face in their work.

Even if you hire the best talent for a particular position, after a point their growth gets stunted if they are not learning new skills. This is where training programs come into play. The good thing is, finding a top LMS to automate the delivery and management of online courses is now very convenient. 

To help you understand if your employees need training, we have listed below 6 major signs that you must not overlook :

  1. When you want them to learn new skills:

This is a clear sign that your employees need training. Introducing new tools, processes, procedures, products, and more require employees to understand how to make the most of them. Additionally, when new hires are onboarded, they need to be trained about the company’s policies as well as concepts relevant to their work profile.

  1. Skills gap:

When employees don’t have the necessary knowledge to perform their duties well, it leads to a skill gap. These gaps need to be filled by providing them personalized L&D opportunities. You have the option to hire someone new to fill these gaps, but hiring new employees is expensive. Instead, it is better to train your current employees and address their skills gap.

  1. Employees don’t know how to implement their knowledge:

Sometimes employees do possess the necessary knowledge required to perform their duties, but they don’t know the right application of this knowledge. This is an obvious sign that they need training. When given the right training, it helps in boosting their performance and increases business productivity. 

  1. Low quality of work:

When employees are producing substandard quality of work, it shows that they are lacking the necessary skills. Untrained employees take longer to do their work and require more resources. When they don’t know the best way to do a task, they are prone to make mistakes and their quality of work becomes poor. If these mistakes are grave, it can cause obstacles in the workflow and even ruin the brand reputation.

  1. Poor work performance:

If employees are consistently failing to achieve their goals, it may be time to admit they need additional training. One of the major reasons for employee underperformance is that they lack the required capabilities to deliver good results. This can be changed by helping them learn new ways to do their job through a tailored training program that addresses all their learning needs.

  1. Poor customer service:

When a customer leaves negative feedback about an employee, it is an unmistakable sign that you need to provide your employees training. You customer service employees are the face of the organization and need to be provided soft skills training along with other important skills to ensure they handle customers the right way. When employees learn to build connections with customers, it helps in enhancing customer satisfaction.


Investing in employee L&D is one of the best ways to boost your company’s growth and retain customers. With the help of a LMS, you can help employees learn new skills from anywhere at any time regardless of the drive they are using.