This AI device reads your sweat to tell you about your heart’s health


YOPI Technologies, an Israeli hi-tech company founded by experienced entrepreneurs Hemi Re’em and Dr. Menachem Genut, has successfully completed the development phase of YOPI, a wearable AI-based device designed to monitor sweat and detect early signs of heart function deterioration.

YOPI (an acronym for “Your Online Personal Instructor”) represents a significant innovation in sports monitoring and heart health tracking. Worn on the arm, the device incorporates a unique sensor developed by the company to allow for online monitoring of training intensity and personalized physiological adjustments.

In the second stage of the device’s development, the device will be adapted for use by the general public to detect declines in heart function.

Dr. Dan Hadas, MD, an expert in sports cardiology and the company’s medical director, commented that “The introduction of this system to the market represents a significant innovation in sports monitoring and heart health tracking. Just as heart rate monitors with chest straps were a revolutionary leap 20 years ago, YOPI’s system is a game-changer in real-time monitoring of physical activity and heart health.”

YOPI will be produced in the Gaza Envelope

YOPI Technologies has chosen to establish its factory within the Sha’ar Hanegev Regional Council in the Gaza Envelope.

Israel Start up (credit: INGIMAGE)

This strategic decision demonstrates the company’s commitment to expanding high-tech industries in the region and creating employment opportunities. The factory is expected to employ around 70 individuals, and recruitment of engineers and technicians for the production plant has already begun.

Mass production of the advanced device is slated to commence in early 2024.

Ofir Liebstein, Head of the Sha’ar Hanegev Council, expressed excitement about YOPI Technologies’ presence in the Gaza Envelope.

“Their choice to establish a factory in the Gaza Envelope creates high-quality job opportunities for residents in Sha’ar Hanegev and the surrounding region.”

Ofir Liebstein

“Their choice to establish a factory in the Gaza Envelope creates high-quality job opportunities for residents in Sha’ar Hanegev and the surrounding region. We are proud of Yopi’s success story as they make a profound impact on saving lives,” he said.

YOPI Technologies has received significant support from the Israel Innovation Authority throughout its journey. The company secured grants totaling 5 million NIS from the Innovation Authority over the years, along with substantial investments from private investors.

Recently, YOPI Technologies obtained approval for a grant from the Advanced Manufacturing Division within the Innovation Authority’s “Transition from Development to Production” track. This grant aims to facilitate the establishment of their factory and support the development of production processes for innovative products.