Save Venice now! So we all could enjoy it forever!


Prince Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, Katherine Giminaro, Joseph B. Giminaro and Guests ©BFA

Who can say No to Venice especially when they invite you to meet the Prince of Venice at the same time?

That’s why the Italian restaurant-10 Corso Como, in the South Street Seaport New York City, was packed with beautiful young people sipping specialty cocktails prepared for the occasion. Everyone was anticipating the Prince. Most didn’t know what he looks like or what he is involved in daily, but every one of the ladies felt the uplifting Royal atmosphere that may, for one reason or another, elevate her to feel like a princess.

Prince Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia ©BFA

When H.R.H. Prince Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, Prince of Venice, arrived, he didn’t come on a white horse. Nor was he surrounded by
many guards, just one person-Carl Morelli, who has been with him for many years and introduced him in two minutes as the Prince requested. The Prince a handsome young guy, didn’t want anyone to brag about him. He seemed very easy going and very modest.

Only then everyone focused their attention on the presentations and the organizers of this important event to Save Venice.

Anthony Schembri, Lizzie Asher, Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia ©BFA

The American Foundation of Savoy Orders Youth Program Chairman Joseph B. Giminaro and the Young Friends Steering Committee of Save Venice led by philanthropist and activist Lizzie Asher hosted this joint cocktail reception.

The idea behind it is, of course, to raise funds to help as fast as possible the conservation efforts that are very much needed after the terrible floods Venice experienced in November.

The guests were especially quiet when Prince Emanuele talked about growing up in Italy and his deep love for Venice. He mentioned again and again how important Venice is for all people around the world, not just for the Italians. Throughout the evening he invited all guests to speak with him and get photographed. Giving everyone that special attention of royalty…

Bernardo Ortiz, Ashlee Harrison, Karine Zacharias, Laura Lehmann ©BFA

The global love for Venice is something that no one will argue against. Even those Jewish people who may point out the difficult history for the Jews living at one time in the Ghetto of Venice. They all come to enjoy this very Unique city a true artistic place where you can discover amazing masterpieces in churches, hotels or simply on the street nonstop.

Elisa Carollo, Oliver Blodgett, Clayton Calvert, Parker Calvert ©BFA

One of the outstanding places to visit and see how this city prepares the future restorers of art is the International University of Venice. Students here learn the old techniques, as well as the new ones to preserve the amazing art of Venice and they, were the first to help with saving the art from the floods.

Both organizations, Save Venice and American Foundation of Savoy Orders provide scholarships and direct donations to preserve the art in Venice.

This unique magical city must be saved and preserved for generations to come.

Shana Davis, Casey Kohlberg, Lizzie Asher, Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia, Christina Senia, Mercedes de Guardiola, Michele Rayden, Clare Ngai

Read more about: American Foundation of Savoy Orders, Save Venice, Tsipi Inberg Ben-Haim