Cybersixgill IQ cracks down on cybersecurity threats using generative AI


Global cyber threat intelligence data provider Cybersixgill has introduced “Cybersixgill IQ,” a generative artificial intelligence solution that marks a significant breakthrough in the field of cyber threat intelligence (CTI).

Leveraging the company’s deep and dark web data, as well as Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) and contextual information about organizations’ attack surfaces, Cybersixgill IQ stands out from other generative AI cybersecurity offerings, building on the company’s strong foundation in AI technology.

The announcement comes in advance of next week’s Cyber Week 2023, Israel’s leading cyber technology conference where industry leaders and experts convene in order to set the stage for the coming year’s developments within the cyber field.

“With generative AI capabilities… organizations can tailor threat intelligence and generate curated reports customized for the various [organization members] consuming them.”

Jon Oltsik

Using generative AI for cybersecurity

Cybersixgill IQ utilizes generative AI technologies to cater to a wide range of user personas and address various business use cases. The company’s solution simplifies access to CTI, enabling users to easily obtain actionable insights and find answers to complex intelligence-related questions. Cybersixgill aims to reshape the CTI landscape by providing unprecedented access and insights within the industry.

“Generative AI can be a force multiplier, helping organizations derive value from threat intelligence. With Cybersixgill IQ, threat analysts and security professionals can now ask critical questions and get immediate, detailed answers, which can accelerate the value of CTI toward proactive investigations,” said Jon Oltsik, Distinguished Analyst and Fellow with Enterprise Strategy Group and the founder of the firm’s cybersecurity service.

Artificial Intelligence illustrative. (credit: Wikimedia Commons)

Cybersixgill IQ offers a wide range of outputs, from high-level threat summaries for C-level executives to vulnerability exposure analyses for managed service providers and comprehensive forensic incident reports for detection and response teams.

“With generative AI capabilities… organizations can tailor threat intelligence and generate curated reports customized for the various [organization members] consuming them,” noted Oltsik.

Gabi Reish, chief product officer for Cybersixgill, emphasized that the real value and direction in AI for cybersecurity comes from deep and comprehensive access to a vast collection of underground threat intelligence data, which Cybersixgill provides.

“AI is only as good as the data that feeds it. In cybersecurity, real value and direction in AI come from access to the broadest, deepest data lake of underground threat intelligence,” said Reish. “Delivering valuable and impactful AI solutions is in our company’s DNA, as we’ve been building AI-driven products for years.”

“This new era of advanced AI allows us to make cyber threat intelligence more accessible, useful, and usable, and empowers junior analysts to close the skills gap with their senior peers exponentially faster,” he continued. “Additionally, it enables all organizations and users to get value from CTI, regardless of their level of adoption or understanding, allowing everyone to reap the benefits of automated intelligence customized to their needs.”