Datagen Raises $70 Million for Data as Code


Datagen team (from website)

Datagen, an Israeli startup that uses artificial intelligence (AI) for data-as-code, closed $50 million USD in Series B financing led by new investor Scale Venture Partners. This latest round of funding brings Datagen’s total financing to over $70 million.

Code as data, or data as code, refers to the duality between code and data. This is what lets computers treat instructions in a programming language as data handled by a running program.

Datagen was founded in 2018 by Ofir Zuk (Chakon) and Gil Elbaz with a mission to reinvent how AI/ML teams gather data needed for computer vision network training. The company’s simulated data (a form of synthetic data) technology obviates the need for producing or sourcing scant 2D and 3D training data for computer vision AI development. ML refers to a Machine Learning Engineer. An ML engineer’s work overlaps with that of data engineers, They concentrate mostly on ML models and the related infrastructure. Their job is to build tools for updating models and creating prediction interfaces for end-users.

Datagen boasts that it is defining a new data-as-code category that the company says will serve as the next big frontier following the model- and data-centric approaches to computer vision AI development. By removing the need to source and manually annotate training data, some of its most time-consuming and resource-intensive steps, Datagen declares that it is helping CV teams get to market faster with applications in augmented reality, smart offices, automotive in-cabin monitoring, home security, and more.

“The need for robust, high-variance and high-performance training data will continue to grow exponentially as computer vision algorithms and their applications become more numerous and diverse,” said Datagen Co-founder and CEO Ofir Zuk (Chakon). “Our mission is to enable every CV team with the best synthetic data solution to power the development of their AI applications. That’s why we are honored to welcome Scale VP to the community of our marquee investors. With today’s new funding, we are poised to accelerate growth and take the market by storm.”