I have asked some of my columnists and others to write a paragraph or two on whether Benjamin Netanyahu should resign. Here are some of their answers:
Daled Amos:
The famous Chinese curse, “you should live in interesting times” does not begin to cover what we are going through now. We have one US politician who claims ancestry from American Indians who is partial to a Palestinian Arab dictator who claims to be descended from the ancient Plishtim. Another contender for the Democratic presidential nomination is Jewish, and when he is not busy gaining support from antisemites, he is announcing his plan to transfer US funding from Israel to Hamas terrorists.
Meanwhile, in Israel itself, we watch as arguably one of the ablest and most successful Israeli leaders in its short history is being indicted on charges and in a process that have both been brought into question. Waiting in the wings are contenders who, while not as unserious as those looking to run for president of the US, are still untested. The prospect of a third election, with no greater prospects than the first two, awaits. Meanwhile, the PIJ wants to come out from under the shadow of Hamas while Hamas itself gleefully watches the divisiveness and uncertainty Israel is facing. It is not easy, sitting here in Galus, to watch all this. Those in Israel who are eager to bring down Netanyahu no matter what the cost to the country, and by extension to World Jewry, are not about to stop — at this point they couldn’t even if they wanted to. The choice is in the hands of Netanyahu. It is an unenviable one, because the future of Israel is unclear even if he steps out of the way. But that may be what he needs to do.
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