Fear and Loathing in the Desert – A poem for Parsha Ki Tisa

Science and Health

Aaron and all the Israelites saw Moses, and behold, the skin of his face was radiant. They were afraid to approach him. ~ Exodus 34:30

We saw the Burning Bush
on Moses’ face and we
were afraid of him.

We desert bound people
who saw a sea part
and frogs fall out of the sky

We homeward-bound ex-slaves
who didn’t yet know what to do
with our freedom

We empty slates waiting
to be filled with knowledge from
lips on a radiant face.

We were not prepared
for the radiance – A face
glowing with residual God.

We had no idea only our children’s
feet would take this knowledge
to the promised place.

Be careful with our knowledge
with our righteousness
with the things we know we know.

Our self-assured raison d’etre –
this glow of history and promise.
It frightens the neighbors.

Approach with a veil of humility.
Their light, their knowledge
is worth knowing.

Rick Lupert, a poet, songleader and graphic designer, is the author of 28 books including “God Wrestler: A Poem for Every Torah Portion.” Visit him at www.JewishPoetry.net