Israel To Allow Entry Of Foreign Business People


This is limited to people from “Green” countries.

Israel’s Ministry of Economy and Industry will allow the entry of foreign businessmen and women into Israel from “Green” states in accordance with new guidelines. Green countries are those nations which Israel has declared to have a high enough level of containing the Corona Virus to allow its own citizens to travel there.

And no, America is not a Green state.

The Corona Virus shutdowns have stifled the world economy. Israel suffered especially over the summer and the recent Jewish holiday period because its economy is so dependent on tourism.

And since Israel is also known as Startup Nation, it depends on visits by numerous potential foreign investors as well as the current international investors in its companies.

The Ministry says that the move is part of an effort to help Israeli companies maintain “functional continuity” during Covid-19 crisis.

The plan is to allow non-Israeli citizens permission to enter the country for the purposes of business for a period of up to seven days.

Entry into Israel will be allowed only to people to whose visit is in some way essential to keeping the Israeli economy moving or to the financial interests if Israeli companies with whom they have come to do business.

Visits will also be limited to cases where the business meeting cannot be held virtually. The foreign travelers will also need to show that they have not visited a Red state within the previous fourteen days before their admission to Israel.

But If on while on route to Israel the visitor had to take a connecting flight via a red state, but did not leave the airport and did not stay at the red state airport for more than 12 hours, then they will be allowed entrance into Israel.

Those wishing to come to Israel must first fill out an online application form. Then the CEO, VP or authorized signatory on behalf of the Israeli host company will need to fill out an application form in Hebrew.

Applications will then be reviewed by the Ministry of Economy and Industry and the Population and Immigration Authority of Israel and approved on the basis of a number of professional criteria.

Amir Peretz, Israel’s Minister of Economy and Industry, stated: “The Ministry of Economy and Industry is working hard to help the Israeli economy maintain its business operations during the Corona crisis. I believe that through this procedure, many Israeli and international companies will return to their business routines and help accelerate the Israeli economy. ”

Ohad Cohen, Director of Foreign Trade at the Ministry of Economy and Industry: “To provide a solution for companies operating in international markets, we have established a dedicated team working to aid exporters, industrialists and companies seeking investments. For example, holding training programs in the country.”

“This team will coordinate, among other things, the inquiries of business entities from Israel and abroad as part of the process of examining permit applications. It is important to emphasize that the permit is currently intended for visitors from green countries only, but we are working to implement an outline for visitors from red countries as well. It is important that companies know that there are 40 centers available to assist them.”

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