‘Life in the Shadow of War’ project assisting citizens to cope with war

Science and Health

The Israeli Trauma Coalition in collaboration with the On Life media organization has launched its “Life in the Shadow of War” project this week, aiming to help citizens cope during times of protracted war.

Since the war began on October 7, the project will help citizens by publishing and distributing material to help citizens cope with the daily difficulties of war.

“The effects of the war are not lost on any of the citizens of Israel who experience difficulties and erosion in functioning due to the very war and the damage to the routine of life.”

The project aims to help citizens in long-term coping with the war by strengthening their sense of ability and resilience by providing the information and tools for maintaining a routine of life during the war.

The Coalition is one of the cornerstones of trauma care in Israel and serves as a national center of knowledge, providing leadership, direction, and resources before, during, and after a crisis.

Varied expertise

The Coalition includes several organizations with specific expertise: Mahut Israel, Selah, NATAL-Israel Trauma and Resiliency Center, ERAN Emotional First Aid, Amcha, and Hadassah.


The Israeli Trauma Coalition aims to produce, make accessible, and distribute content to the general public to help provide tools to deal with the new daily reality and raise awareness.

They will deliver the content through videos, articles, and digital content to try to expand the toolbox for the country’s citizens.

“In the current reality, we recognize that there are populations that receive extensive therapeutic and emotional support, and there are more invisible populations that we strive to reach. We believe that hope builds resilience and that each of us has the inner strength to cope, if we just look for it we will find it.”