Sales of wine, beer, sweets rise in Israel amid war – report


Sales of alcoholic beverages and snack foods have dramatically risen ever since Israel began Operation Swords of Iron in Gaza last October, according to a report published Wednesday by the food delivery company Yango Deli.

Alcoholic beverages such as wine and beer saw the largest increase in consumption since the war began, the data showed. Wine sales are up a staggering 100% since the war began, with beer sales also up 40%.

Snacks and baked goods have also seen sharp spikes in consumption in this period. Sales of cookie products have increased by 50%, while baked goods have seen sales rise by 33% as a whole.

Israelis indulge amid war

Sodas and energy drinks have also seen steady consumption since the war began, as Coca-Cola Zero and Monster XL have been two of the ten top-selling items on Yango Deli amid the war. Popular snacks like Bamba, potato chips, and cucumbers were also among the ten most popular items.

Israeli household staples like milk, eggs, cottage cheese, chocolate milk, and paper towels made up the remainder of the top ten best-selling items on Yango Deli since October 7.

Date cookies in Al-Najah Sweets, in Jerusalem’s Old City. (credit: CRYSTAL DUNLAP/THE MEDIA LINE)

Bottled water sales – which spiked by over 1,500% immediately after the war began – have normalized, according to the report.