Haim Saban Backs Joe Biden 2020 With Fundraiser


Israeli Businessman Haim Saban will be hosting a fundraiser for Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign. If you want to take part and get to hobnob with some Hollywood elites and the former Vice President then it will only cost you a measly $500,000. Chump change, right?

Well, at least that is the starting price. And as far as “hobnob,” this of course means interacting with the other people through video links. This is the Corona Virus world, after all. Usually, people put up the big bucks to be able to meet personally with the power players, politicians, and celebrities alike. So if they are willing to shell out this kind of money then they must really be behind the candidate.

President Trump has one big trump card when it comes to his reelection bid – Israel. He recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, moved the American embassy there, recognized Israel’s right to annex parts of the West Bank and has taken credit for a new peace deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates.

But Haim Saban, the businessman turned movie mogul, is an Israeli expatriate and most of Hollywood is decidedly liberal. The Jewish vote is usually decidedly Democratic and the mostly Orthodox Jews who support President Trump tend live in decidedly Democratic states like New York. And Saban himself has been a big supporter of Democratic politicians, including Hilary Clinton in her run for President in 2016.

In a statement released to the press, Haim Saban said, “I am pleased to see so many Democrats coming together in support of Vice President Joe Biden, and I am proud to endorse him for President. Joe is a proven leader who has the experience, vision and heart to unify our country in this hyper-partisan time.”

Haim Saban tried to reassure American Jews as to Joe Biden’s commitment to Israel.

“Joe’s judgement and track record show that he will broadly restore America’s position as a moral and global leader, and ensure that the strong, bipartisan alliance between the U.S. and Israel remains unshakeable. This alliance is vital to our American interests, something Joe articulated best when he said: ‘if there were not an Israel, we would have to invent one to make sure our interests were preserved.’ I am confident that Joe is the right leader to make real progress for Americans and our international partners, and urge our party to unite in his support.”

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