Israeli Neuromarketing Company Drill Already Helping Supermarkets Watch Your Every Move

Victory Israel from Website

Victory Israel from Website

Drill, an Israeli Neuromarketing company, utilizes video cameras in stores to let merchants learn more about the buying habits of their customers. Neuromarketing refers to the tracking of people’s emotions when they shop. The tech is currently being used in a pilot program by Israel’s Victory supermarket chain.

The supermarkets can sell the marketing information to their suppliers as well as use it themselves to decide what to stock and where to place items in the store. Talk about market research! Web sites like Amazon and Alibaba use algorithms to follow their customers’ browsing and purchasing histories to tailor recommendations to fit each individual. Now the brick and mortar stores can do one better. Imagine if Amazon had cameras in your home spying on your activities and what you keep in the kitchen cabinets to anticipate your needs.

If you think that it was bad enough that google spies on your every move through its browser, search engine and other products, guess again. Google watches your browser history and then sells that information to third parties for their use. Now do understand why you suddenly get ads for devices that you just looked up on line?

But now Big Brother is really watching you and its starting in supermarkets. Somewhere Ralph Nader is rolling over in his grave. Oh, wait, he’s still alive. Well Soon enough he and Allan Dershowitz will be on the TV news channels to condemn this new invasion of people’s privacy. They will want to pass new laws requiring stores to inform everyone of such surveillance if they cannot at least ban it all together. And consumer groups will be sure to stage boycotts of such stores.

Well apparently it works. Victory said that it increased profits by more than 50% because using Drill’s tech.

So how does the tech work? The Drill website explains that “exact science, advanced technology and groundbreaking global advances in the field of marketing” have shown it a map of the new world in which “we’ll DRILL to the core of the consumer.” It boasts that with their system a merchant can monitor real-time implied responses and the feelings and emotions of their customers at any moment. Clients receive updated and “reliable” insights that influence their earnings and sales. Starting from the level of interaction and interest to negative feelings and disgust.

Drll fom Website

Drll fom Website

Victory CEO and co-owner Eyal Ravid told Calcalist, “We started the pilot with an offer to clients to come to the store to take part in a survey. We tracked their emotional reactions while showing them different photos and later on we attached them with electrodes and special glasses to collect information on what they are looking at and what they are feeling while shopping in the store. These days the information is collected without the customer having to take any additional action as all the info is received from the cameras.”

Ravid said that stores could go check out free, which means no more cashiers. “During the pilot, we saw an increase of 20% in sales in the stores with cameras compared to just 10% at similar stores without cameras. This is a tool that allowed us to reach a sharp increase in sales,” said Ravid.

Victory Israel from Website

Victory Israel from Website

Victory Supermarket Chain Ltd is a Israel-based company engaged in the food industry. The Company is primarily active in the retail of food products. It operates through approximately 20 discount stores. It is also involved in the wholesale of food products.

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