WIN-WIN Situation: Dozens of haredim on their way to work on constructio


Finding Each Other: Due to the shortage of manpower since October 7 and the desire to strengthen the Israeli labor force in the construction sector, as well as the need for haredim (ultra-Orthodox) to participate in the Israeli labor market, dozens of haredim are currently learning the profession of worksite management.

This is a flagship project initiated by the professional training department of the Ministry of Labor, in collaboration with the Association of Builders in Israel, the Foundation for the Encouragement of Construction, the organization ‘Malachtem’, and the organization ‘Tzurim’.

The project has successfully trained about 106 haredi men in the construction industry so far, with impressive success rates, leading to the employment of 100% of the graduates.

As part of this, Minister of Labor Yoav Ben Tzur conducted a professional tour on Tuesday at the Engineering College of Givatayim, accompanied by Ministry of Labor CEO Israel Ozen and the professional team. The minister visited haredi students studying in courses for worksite managers in construction who entered the sector with no background.

“Due to the long war and restrictions on the entry of Palestinian workers into Israel, the construction industry has faced an unprecedented crisis,” Tzur said. “Our vision is to integrate as many Israeli hands as possible into the construction sector, which offers high pay and rewards. I was excited to see dozens of haredi students currently learning in a unique training program for worksite managers.

“The Ministry of Labor will continue to provide quality and professional support until they are successfully employed.”